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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Recent Hague Convention District Court Cases - Sain on behalf of VRS v Sain, 548 F.Supp.3d 1181 (M.D. Florida,2021)

Sain on behalf of VRS v Sain, 548 F.Supp.3d 1181 (M.D. Florida,2021)
[China][Habitual residence][Petition denied][China, not United Kingdom (UK), was children’s habitual residence and thus father did not wrongfully remove children from United Kingdom; children lived in China for nearly entire life, father took children on vacation with intent to return to China but their return was blocked by COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, and their nine-month stay in UK after their return to China was blocked did not transform UK into children’s habitual residence, as children never acclimatized to UK and never attended school in UK, and father’s actions evinced clear intent to return to China with children once possible.]