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Monday, May 23, 2016

Warren v Ryan 2015 WL 4365489 (D.Colorado) [Australia] [Necessary Expenses and Costs] [Granted]

 Petitioner’s motion for attorney fees and costs granted in the amount of $64,984.90.

Guevera v Sota 2015 WL 9484502 (ED Tenn, 2015) [Mexico] [Federal & State Judicial Remedies] [TRO granted]

Temporary restraining order granted prohibiting child from being removed from Courts jurisdiction.

Shafqat v Malik, 2015 WL 6739797 (D. NJ, 2015) [United kingdom] [Federal & State Judicial Remedies] [Motion for pro bono counsel]

Motion for Pro Bono Counsel filed by pro se Respondents Shafqat Mahmood Malik, Saiqa Yusuf and Qaiser Mahmood Malik (the “Respondents”) granted in part and denied in part.

Sanchez v Sanchez, 2015 WL 3448009 (WD Texas, 2015) [Mexico] [Federal & State Judicial Remedies] [Petition moot]

Petition denied as moot; motion to dismiss granted.                   

Morais-Pierson v Pierson, 2015 WL 2365398 [ND Ohio, 2015] [Brazil] [Federal & State Judicial Remedies] [Motion for default judgment]

Motion for default judgment, upon defendants failure to appear or plead,  denied without prejudice.

Karl v Cifuentes, 2015 WL 4940613 (ED Penn, 2015) [Argentina] [Federal & State Judicial Remedies] [Abstention]

Action dismissed because abstention under Younger v Harris, 401 US 37, 44 (1971) is appropriate in light of ongoing state court custody proceeding.

Garcia v Pinelo , 2015 WL 4910654 (ND Illinois, 2015) [Mexico] [Federal & State Judicial Remedies] [Summary judgment ]

Summary judgment granted in part and denied in part.